How To Use The Power Of Imagination To Attract Wealth
By reading every word of this article, you will discover how to use the power of imagination to attract wealth. Use these 4 secrets to l attract wealth faster than you ever thought possible.
Secret #1
Ask the universe for what you want. In this case, we are trying to attract wealth. Take a few moments each day and in a quiet place ask the universe wealth. The 2nd part to this is to ask for a specific amount or whatever kind of wealth you are trying to bring to your life. The universe needs a specific amount. If you just ask for wealth, then it may just assume what you have is enough. Try it out for the next few days and ask for a specific amount of money. Start small so you can get comfortable doing this, and do it in private. People may think your silly for doing this, and while that will not affect the results, the feelings that this creates within you, will.
Secret #2
Act as if you already have it. Take a moment after you have asked for wealth, to imagine already having achieved it. How will you act? How has your life changed? Go through your day feeling the way you will feel once you have attracted what you asked for. This is a very important step. The universe likes to work with speed, and if it feels that you are already living as if you have it, the universe will work quicker to fill in the void.
Secret #3
Be grateful. Be grateful for everything you have, everything you have had, and everything you will have. This will magnify the results that you will achieve, not only in attracting wealth with your imagination, but with everything you do in life. Live each day being grateful, and the universe will reward you with everything you could have ever wanted. The more thankful you feel, the more you are in alignment with what you want, and the faster you will receive it. Which brings us to the final secret.
Secret #4
Receive. After you have done the first 3 secrets, the universe will answer. You have to be willing to receive it. How will you know if what is happening is the universe responding? Simple, it is going to feel right. It is going to feel good. You will have to act, and take what the universe is providing and recognize what it is doing for you.
You may be asking yourself, how long will this take? Well the answer is, I don't know, but the universe likes to work with speed. The more you follow the four secrets, and are in alignment, the faster the universe will respond to you.
Monday, March 31, 2014
How To Use The Power Of Imagination To Attract Wealth
Monday, March 3, 2014
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Raw Food Recipes To Eat All Week
And you won't be using a pan of any sort either raw cooking uses blenders, food processors or dehydrators exclusively. Sticking exclusively to a raw food diet can be very hard for newbies, particularly if you're not planning your meals in advance. But even opting for uncooked, unprocessed and often organic food once in a while can result in more fibre and vitamins in your diet. So why not try it out as a snack this week? And in case you missed it, last week we packed dark chocolate. WEEKLY SHOPPING LIST: Here's what you need to buy this week, while the other necessary ingredients (like pepper, salt and oils) are likely already in your kitchen. Sweet potatoes Loading Slideshow Monday: Raw Chili Sweet Potato Chips Now, because raw food doesn't consist of "cooking" anything, these sweet potato chips are dehydrated instead. Get the full recipe from Queen of Quinoa here. Tuesday: Raw Raspberry Bars If you have a sweet tooth, try these raw raspberry bars made with jam, coconut and cashews. Get the full recipe from The Rawtarian here. Wednesday: Raw Vegan Nori Rolls If you're a big fan of sushi, try this raw nori roll recipe made with cauliflower rice, guacamole and fresh vegetables. Get the recipe from The Raw Food Sisters here. Thursday: Raw Caramel Candy Apple Everyone's favourite childhood carnival treat made the healthiest way possible. Get the recipe from This Rawsome Vegan Life here. Friday: Chia And Sprouted Quinoa Crackers This cracker recipe combines quinoa and chia seeds talk about a superfood combination. Get the full recipe from The Raw Food Kitchen here. NEXT: 5 dark chocolate recipes Monday: Raw Chili Sweet Potato Chips Now, because raw food doesn't consist of "cooking" anything, these sweet potato chips are dehydrated instead. Get the full recipe from Queen of Quinoa here. Tuesday: Raw Raspberry Bars If you have a sweet tooth, try these raw raspberry bars made with jam, coconut and cashews. Get the full recipe from The Rawtarian here. Wednesday: Raw Vegan Nori Rolls If you're a big fan of sushi, try this raw nori roll recipe made with cauliflower rice, guacamole and fresh vegetables. Get the recipe from The Raw Food Sisters here. Thursday: Raw Caramel Candy Apple Everyone's favourite childhood carnival treat made the healthiest way possible. Get the recipe from This Rawsome Vegan Life here. Friday: Chia And Sprouted Quinoa Crackers This cracker recipe combines quinoa and chia seeds talk about a superfood combination.
For the original version visit
Monday, February 17, 2014
how To Add Pizzazz To Your Speech
How many times have you heard a mediocre speech or one that was just downright boring? Is that the kind of speech you want to give? No! You want a speech that will set you up for success— a speech that's got pizzazz.
How Do You Add Pizzaz?
You don't need to be a great speaker to add pizzazz; you just need to follow these 7 different techniques. You can use all 7 or pick and choose the ones you are most comfortable with. It's more important to be authentic, to be yourself. People buy what? They buy you! Let your audience fall in love with you, then fall in love with your product, then fall in love with your business opportunity.
#1 Enthusiasm
No matter what you add to spice up your speech, to have pizzazz you must be excited about what you are talking about. You've seen speakers who don't seem enthusiastic—they're not connected to what they're selling. Their lack of passion shows. So, if that's you, and you're not passionate about your product or what it is you do for your clients or how you contribute to the world, then you might want to change the topic of your speech, or maybe even your business. You must be excited. You must be enthusiastic. You can't practice this; it is something that you believe in so that when it comes time to talk about it, you just let it flow. Enthusiasm comes out naturally in your voice, and it will also come out in your body language.
#2 Be the Story
Stories are so important. In the past I've talked about storytelling in terms of making sure your personal story is part of your speech—to show your journey and your right to be there. Because this is part of rapport-building, it doesn't always add pizzazz. To add pizzazz, you need to "be the story." Why? Because people will live vicariously through you. These are stories that would typically happen to you, that you relate to in a certain part of your speech.
For example: Several years ago I lived in Claremont which is a really quaint little city—just like Mayberry. One day as I was driving home, I saw two neighbor kids had orange juice stands, not lemonade stands. To my left was a little girl and to my right was a little boy, selling the same thing for 5 cents. The little girl was jumping up and down and saying, "I got the best orange juice on the block!" She got my attention. So instead of pulling over to the right, I parked in front of her and bought a glass. Was the orange juice the best? No, it was just Tang—you remember Tang? But because she grabbed my attention with her life, her spirit, her verbal words, I bought from her.
So that's a story that actually happened. That's a story I shared with you, and a story you can relate to in your subconscious mind.
Another example: My mentor and I were walking down the street in LA to a seminar. There was this homeless guy sitting on the curb. He was dirty, teeth black, smelled. He asked us, "Do you know what the best nation is on the planet?" We said, "Yes, it's America, the United States." He laughed and said, "No, it's donation." We got the message.
Stories like that happen every single day, and most of the time they are funny. How can you incorporate those stories into your speech? Think about stories you've experienced and bring them into your speech at the appropriate times. They will provide a lot of pizzazz.
#3 Let Your Body Speak
You want to be connected so much to your message that you don't have to worry about your body language. Your hands need to be free to make whatever motion you want them to make. Your posture needs to be firm and powerful so that you can move about the stage. Let your body express part of the story that you are telling. Don't worry about looking silly or foolish. Sometimes it can make you look vulnerable, but it's that vulnerability that will make your audience laugh and connect with you.
#4 Use Picture Words
What's a word picture? If I said, "you are going to become profitable" or "going to increase your income 50%," there's no picture there. If I said, "you are going to make a boatload of cash;" now there's a picture! Think of ways you can use word pictures in your speech. To demonstrate, let's use the word "house" instead of the word "home." When you say "house," it's just a stick figure. If you say "home," you see warmth, flowers, a dog, picket fence, etc. Certainly not every single word can be a word picture, but remember to choose your words wisely. Use metaphors, too. We remember pictures a lot longer and a lot easier than words.
#5 Use Props
One of the props I use in my presentation is throwing candy to the audience. I also have $$ eye glasses—always gets a laugh. Remember: humor is good because funny equals money. If at any time you can add humor to your presentation, it will not only add pizzazz but will add money to your pocket. Don't be too funny or too silly. Use your natural gift of humor. Include a funny story about your experiences. You can use fun things, pictures of things, something that is very specific to your talk.
One of my clients did a talk at Whole Foods. She brought in samples of the food that she was talking about--the fermented food, kefir, and probiotics. She also brought drinks so people could get a visual picture of what it looked like as she talked about it. If you are selling something that is consumable, absolutely bring them every single time you talk.
#6 Involve Your Audience
The more your audience can physically experience, the more locked in they are to what you are offering. Does that say everybody's going to participate? No, only the ones who care. There are so many different ways to involve your audience: small breakout sessions, high five, repeat the last word of your sentence. If you are not sure what to do, observe other speakers and what they do. Borrow whatever works for you. One of the things I borrowed is from Mark Victor Hansen. Borrow techniques that resonate with you, that are appropriate for your speech. But, be careful as too much of a good thing can become too much.
#7 Have Fun
When you are up on stage and are having fun—letting go of the self talk and the self doubt and just being present in the moment—your audience will have fun, too. This is when you are delivering the meat of your presentation because this is where you can relax. You know this stuff. When you are doing your beginning, you are going to do whatever you memorized and rehearsed; same with the close.
The great masters of closing are people who are able to sense their audience. I've seen some of the greatest speakers and watched them in action. But even they can lose sight of their audience. I had the pleasure of dining with Matt Baysak, a multi-millionaire who made all his money on the internet. He admits he's not a good speaker. When it came time for his close and he made his offer, nobody budged—so he immediately changed his offer.
The ones who are present in the moment are waiting for someone to move, and if someone doesn't move they change their offer. Being there to the very, very end is when the chips fall. If you are not getting the results you want, stop and look at your close. Make sure it's a benefit to your client, not to you.
People buy benefits, and they buy value. It's not about sales, it's about helping people. You cannot help people if they do not go into a longer program with you. Even I make that mistake sometimes because I'll get so wrapped up in my training that my clients can't always see the benefits. Sometimes I take it for granted that they can see what kind of life they can have by getting up there and speaking; that their business will grow just by becoming more visible. I have to remember to paint that picture a little more clearly so that they will want the same thing.